OTT/TV 드라마
장편 상업영화
장편 독립영화
OTT/TV 드라마
<table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-warehouse fa-fw"></i> 제작</td> <td>콤마 엔터테인먼트 </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-book-reader fa-fw"></i> 작품 제목</td> <td>글로벌 브랜드 숏폼 </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-megaphone fa-fw"></i> 감독</td> <td>프로덕 </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-user-crown fa-fw"></i> 극중배역</td> <td>영상배우 </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-calendar-check fa-fw"></i> 촬영기간</td> <td>1일 </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-won-sign fa-fw"></i> 출연료</td> <td>회차당 10만원~ 20만원 협의 </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-users-crown fa-fw"></i> 모집인원</td> <td>00 </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-restroom fa-fw"></i> 모집성별</td> <td>남자, 여자 </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-user-headset fa-fw"></i> 담당자</td> <td>기획총괄 </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-phone-office fa-fw"></i> 전화번호</td> <td> <span>010 </span> </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-envelope-open-text fa-fw"></i> 이메일</td> <td> <span><a href="mailto:sunny@comma-entertainment.com">sunny@comma-entertainment.com</a> </span> </td> </tr><tr> <td class="three wide text-bold"> <i class="fal fa-alarm-clock fa-fw"></i> 모집 마감일</td> <td>2024-10-31 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="content"> <p>Hi,</p> <p><br> We’ve been preparing “Milkis Challenge” contents nowadays. </p> <p>So, this is a creative brief and our content plan.<br> </p> <div><b style="background-color:#eeeeee;"># Title of the challenge</b></div> <div>"Do you want me to kiss you?" Or just shorten it, <i><b><font color="#000000"><font style="background-color:#00ffff;">"Do you want me kiss?"</font></font></b></i></div> <div><i><font color="#ff0000">※ Using the similar sound as 'me kiss' & 'Milkis'</font></i></div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>1) Interviewer will ask you,<i> <font color="#0000ff">"Hello, I'm going to ask you a simple question now, can you answer, Yes or No?"</font></i></div> <div>2) You need to answer yes/no (This will vary depending on the assigned role.)</div> <div>3-1) <b><i>Positive reaction</i></b> → to say "I knew it!! Here you are." and give her/him Milkis with a smiling face :)</div> <div>3-2) <b><i>Negative reaction</i></b> (something like "What are you talking about?", "Are you crazy??", etc.) </div> <div>→ with an embarrassed face, interviewer will say "I was just asking if you wanted to drink Milkis.." or "I was just talking about Milkis." and give you Milkis.</div> <div> </div> <div> <div><b style="background-color:#eeeeee;"># Video Specs</b></div> <div>- Up to 60 secs</div> <div>- Vertical / 9:16 ratio</div> <div>- 1920px by 1080px (fit for IG & TT)<br> <br> *The time featured in the video is not expected to exceed 10 seconds.<br> <ul> <li>Additional notes: <ol> <li>Model license for 1 year (However, due to the nature of uploading works on online channels, the works uploaded during the license period will not be deleted after the expiration of the license)</li> <li>Models should be capable of doing their own hair and makeup. Support will be discussed and provided.</li> <li>There may be a request for 1-2 sets of appropriate outfits for the shoot concept (if the model already has them)</li> </ol> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div>- Requirements: Portfolio + Photos showing a smiling face<br> (if you have an Instagram account, please include it in the email)<br> <br> - Email address: sunny<a href="mailto:david@comma-entertainment.com">@comma-entertainment.com</a></div> </div>